Unlock new opportunities and broaden your reach with our professional document translation service. Whether you need to translate legal documents, academic papers, business reports, or personal correspondence, our team of expert translators is here to help you break down language barriers and connect with a global audience.

Indonesian to English: Rp. 200.000/page
English to Indonesian: Rp. 175.000/page
Indonesian to Arabic: Rp. 200.000/page
Arabic to Indonesian: Rp. 175.000/page
Indonesian to German: Rp. 200.000/page
German to Indonesian: Rp. 175.000/page
Indonesian to Mandarin: Rp. 200.000/page
Mandarin to Indonesian: Rp. 175.000/page

Requirement: legalized copy of the document (only for legal document) or a copy of the thesis or the article