Balai Bahasa (BB) Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) is a language center in UM to support teaching and learning foreign languages. The creditable instructors will assist the learners to underpin the issues within their learning process to fortify their language skills. This center reinforces learners’ skills to a certain degree for language test preparation.

Here are the programs offered by Balai Bahasa:

  1. Foreign language courses such as TOEFL preparation, IELTS Preparation, General English, Arabic (Maharatul Lughah Al ‘Arabiyah), and German.
  2. Language testing: IELTS Test, ITP TOEFL, English Proficiency Test (EPT), Test of and TKBI and TKDA (Check website) Ikhtibaratul Lughah Al ‘Arabiyah (ILA).
  3. Document translation such as, birth certificates, marriage certificates, documents for scholarship purposes, and other documents.
  4. Texts proofreading such as research instruments, certificates, article for journal, etc.